This section is intended to aid in your social media practice and implementation. Any Boston College employee who manages or oversees social media channels should join the Social Media Council Facebook Group

If you have suggestions or questions, please contact


Social Media Support


When you use social channels from an official Boston College account, you are representing the BC brand and the University. The BC Social Media Team has created simple guidelines to follow to create usernames, avatars or profile icons, and background or cover images.

All official University accounts should utilize the profile icons provided by the Office of University Communications.

BC social media accounts should also be registered on the BC Social Media Directory. If an account is active and missing, fill out this form

Branding Starter Kit

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo: @meaganroecker

Need a little more help with the social media lingo? HubSpot put together a list of social media terms and definitions (last updated in 2023).

And if social media is still new to you, check out some beginner's guides:

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo: @kkkbent.jpg

Sprout Social’s Sizing Cheat Sheet

This website is the key to all your image sizing questions. It is kept up to date and includes all social media platforms. It is important to size photos and graphics to the correct size so that audiences see the appropriate, undistorted images.


Video Specs Cheat Sheet

Sprout Social also created a cheat sheet for video dimentions, ratios, file sizes, formats, and length. 


Image & Video Sizes Infrographic Cheat Sheet
Hootsuite created infographics for each social platform to view image and video sizes to preview within the channel bounds.

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo: @mariacire

Only post images on social media that you have permission to use, including those from fans. Many times followers will send photos. It is always worth a direct message to ensure it permissible to use the media on your channel.

The Office of University Communications maintains a collection of Boston College stock images available to the BC community. BC credentials are required to login and VPN is required if off campus.

If you are in need of stock images a variety of websites exist but it is imperative that you read all policies and guidelines regarding their usage. Foleon provides a list of sites, and the BC social media team has found Pixabay and Unsplash to have wide arrays of useful photography.

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo: @liamweir

Many of us are not Photoshop gurus but graphics and video are now part of the social media landscape. Here are some useful tools to make stunning social graphics (and beyond) that are easy to use:

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo: @j.ange1_

Hashtags (#) are used on most social networks - but most widely on Twitter and Instagram - as a way to explain or tag a message. They unite themes and topics and categorize information to make posts searchable.

The use of hashtags makes your posts and accounts easier to find and share, but be weary of using too many in the same post. Too many hashtags distract your audience, may look like spam and some channels, including Twitter, may even flag it as spam.

Connect with the Boston College community with the most commonly used hashtags at BC:

#WeAreBCAn all-encompassing phrase to reach the BC community and show off Boston College pride
#bc360User-generated content; use to be featured on the BC Instagram feed
#BCAppaFollow the hundreds of BC students who spend their spring break doing service projects as part of the Appalachia Volunteers program.
#BCBabiesThe next generation of Eagles displaying BC pride
#BCEndeavorKeep connected with the Endeavor program, which works sophomores in the liberal arts to find a career path.
#BCExpertsUsed when identifying one of our many faculty or staff who excel in their given subject area
#BCHistoryUsed when people are talking about the University’s history
#BCJobShadowStudents spend their breaks with BC alumni in prospective career fields. See the results.
#BCMatchWhen cupid strikes on the Heights
#BConBreakA look at Boston College pride on display around the world (usually taken during the semester, spring, and summer breaks)
#BCParentsNot only providing Parents' Weekend updates and news, but also a look at what a BC parent is all about
#BCPetsOur favorite furry friends doning BC gear or on the BC campus
#BCReunionGet all the Reunion Weekend buzz and see all happenings on the Heights when Eagles reunite
#BCVenturesUsed when talking about one of the many BC alumni or student startups or the programming surrounding the active venture community on the BC campus
#BostonCollegeAny photo taken on the Boston College campus (usually used on Instagram)
#EaglesforOthersA modified version of the Jesuit phrase, "men and women for others" stands as a motto to explain that social justice is a foundational element of Jesuit education worldwide.
#EvertoExcelThe Boston College motto derived from the sixth book of Homer's Ilia.
#GassonGramPaired with photos of our iconic and beautiful Gasson Hall
#BC____Join in by welcoming BC’s newest class each year with the specific graduating year (e.g., #BC2023, #BC2024, etc.)
#ForBostonSpecifically used for BC Athletics posts; a nod to the fight song


Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo: @a.eichler

There is a lot of information about social media out there. If you are interested in keeping up with the trends and changes, have a specific question, or are looking for vaulable insight, these blogs (some with newsletters) can provide a wealth of knowledge.


Tweet Card Validator

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo: @vecchiophotography