The 鹰一号卡 is the Official ID of 电子游戏软件, 使社区成员能够使用设施, 学生宿舍, 计算机实验室, 库, 还有玛格特·康奈尔娱乐中心. 建立一个Eagle One账户,这样你就可以用信用卡在校内餐厅购物了, 自动售货机, 书店, and laundry facilities as well as at certain off-campus merchants.
- If your card is lost or stolen, deactivate it immediately by visiting 70no.syria-events.com/myservices
- 点击“鹰卡停用(遗失/被盗)”
- This will generate a new 鹰一号卡 you can pick up in the 学生服务办公室位于里昂大厅.
- Please note that you remain responsible for card usage prior to deactivation.
鹰一号卡是一种多用途的身份证和借记卡,是电子游戏软件的官方身份证. 在你住在电子游戏软件期间,它将在大多数大学运营的设施中被接受和使用. 学生必须随时保持此卡可用,以便进入宿舍, 计算机实验室, 图书馆和康奈尔娱乐中心. 电子游戏软件的身份证是学校的财产,必须根据要求向授权的大学官员出示. Failure to comply with this can result in judicial action. 请记住,伪造, 以任何方式更改或滥用自己或他人的“鹰壹卡”均属违法行为.
所有大学生, 教职员工(及其配偶), if desired) are issued 鹰一号卡s through the 学生服务办公室. 为了获得Eagle One卡,必须出示身份证明,如驾驶执照或护照. 为了拿到配偶身份证, 大学生, 工作人员, or faculty member and their spouse must both be present.
教师 and 工作人员f who wish to update their directory photo may do so by going to the 在线申请 and choosing the radio button, "Update 目录 Photo." The user will then upload the new photo and select the "Request" button. 一旦请求,新照片可能需要三个工作日才能在所有平台上出现.
Eagle One卡的初始费用为50美元,并将自动记入您的学生账户. 不向教职员工收取任何费用. 每更换一张卡将收取30美元的费用.
- 艾迪的阁楼
- 山坡上咖啡馆
- Corcoran Commons的Lower Live
- 富尔顿大厅的算账员
- 斯托克斯大厅的巧克力吧
- 卡尼在麦克尔罗伊
- 麦克尔罗伊的鹰巢
- 麦克尔罗伊学院餐厅
- 麦克尔罗伊的CoRo咖啡馆
- 里昂大厅的韦尔奇餐厅
- 牛顿校区的斯图尔特大厅
- Stuart Hall的法律依据
- 布莱顿校园的129咖啡厅
- 市场@科科伦
- 塔利咖啡馆
- 布鲁克林校园食堂
- 快闪美食活动
- 获取移动订单
- CSA农场份额
- 农贸市场
Drink and snack 自动售货机 are located in most lounges around campus. 许多机器都配备了读卡器,可以接受鹰币和现金交易.
Eagle One卡被接受参加电子游戏软件在孔蒂论坛和校友体育场举行的所有体育赛事.
公元前服务 & 设施
所有3个BC书店地点(麦克尔罗伊广场), 牛顿的校园, 和Hillside)现在接受鹰雄鹿作为从教科书到BC服装的有效支付形式.
1-800-978-0978(订单 & 支持)
RTAC售票处通过电子游戏软件在线票务系统和RTAC售票处售票窗口向学生和公众销售门票. 门票可以通过信用卡在线购买,RTAC售票处售票窗口也接受现金, 检查, 或鹰雄鹿队. 有关票务查询,请发电子邮件 rtactickets@syria-events.com.
鹰印服务是在校园,以满足您所有的个人和专业印刷需求. 使用你的雄鹰雄鹿印刷黑色 & 白色和彩色副本, 数码照片, 大幅面彩色海报, 邀请, 简历, 演讲等等. 开放时间:星期一至星期五,上午8:30 -下午5点.
Card readers have been installed on all residence hall washers and dryers. Laundry machines will accept either cash 或鹰雄鹿队.
学生每学期可以免费打印500页. If you print over 500 pages, you will be charged 3 cents per page to your 鹰雄鹿 账户.
会员资格, 通过出示Eagle One ID,您可以在康奈尔娱乐中心获得日间通行证和项目. Purchases may be made by charging services or items to your 鹰雄鹿, check or 信用卡. For additional information and fees, please contact Member Services.
When taking out library books or borrowing electronic equipment, 学生使用BC省身份证.
Additionally, 鹰雄鹿 can be used at the copy machines and printers.
校外的食物 & 方便
面包咖啡馆 serves gourmet rolled sandwiches, salads, and homemade pasta and pizza. Conveniently located next to the BC T station on Commonwealth Avenue.
理查代尔食品店 is located in the shopping plaza across from St. Ignatius Church and offers everything from microwave popcorn to greeting cards.
开立Eagle-One账户将把你的Eagle-One卡变成一张借记卡,在一个不断下降的余额系统上运行. 在接受鹰一卡的每一个地方,你每次消费的费用都会通过电脑读卡器从你的余额中扣除.
账户 | 每学期费用(2023-2024) | 被接受的地方 | 如何添加资金 |
所有一年级学生和那些住在没有厨房的宿舍的学生都自动注册为基本计划,并可以选择选择轻计划. | Light Plan: $3,050 + $250 Residential Dining Bucks per semester | • Mandatory Meal Plan Money accepted at on-campus restaurants • Residential Dining Bucks accepted at specialty dining locations, 获取移动订单, 自动售货机, 和让步. | 学生可以在一年中的任何时间通过Agora门户网站通过信用卡或银行账户向Flex计划存入资金. |
所有一年级学生和住在没有厨房的宿舍的学生都自动加入基本计划. | Base Plan: $3,300 + 300 Residential Dining Bucks per semester | • Mandatory Meal Plan Money accepted at on-campus restaurants • Residential Dining Bucks accepted at specialty dining locations, 获取移动订单, 自动售货机, 和让步. | 学生可以在一年中的任何时间通过Agora门户网站通过信用卡或银行账户向Flex计划存入资金. |
所有一年级学生和那些住在没有厨房的宿舍的学生都自动加入基本计划,并可以选择高级计划. | Premium Plan: $3,743 + $350 Residential Dining Bucks per semester | • Mandatory Meal Plan Money accepted at on-campus restaurants • Residential Dining Bucks accepted at specialty dining locations, 获取移动订单, 自动售货机, 和让步. | 学生可以在一年中的任何时间通过Agora门户网站通过信用卡或银行账户向Flex计划存入资金. |
购买$20-299 Flex Bucks(没有奖励) 购买$300 Flex Bucks -获得$15 bonus Bucks 购买$800 Flex Bucks -获得$80 bonus Bucks 购买$1,200 Flex Bucks -可获得$180 bonus Bucks
| •校园餐厅 •让步 •自动售货 •获取移动订购 | 灵活餐饮计划旨在满足所有住在带厨房和校外住房的公寓式宿舍的学生的需求. 学生可以注册Flex餐饮,并将该计划的费用添加到学生账户中. 学生 may enroll and charge the cost of the plan to a 信用卡 at any time. | |
教师/员工灵活的用餐计划 | 购买$20-60 Flex Bucks(无奖励) 购买$75 Flex Bucks -获得$5 bonus Bucks 购买$200 Flex Bucks -获得$20 bonus Bucks 购买$325 Flex Bucks -获得$50 bonus Bucks | •校园餐厅 •获取移动订购 •自动售货机 | Deposits are made online through the Agora 门户网站 by charging a 信用卡 or bank 账户. |
鹰雄鹿 | 最低存款20美元 | •校园餐厅 | Deposits are made online through the Agora 门户网站 by charging a 信用卡, 银行账户或学生账户. (You may only charge up to a $100 balance on your student 账户.) |
自动售货 & 衣服退款
所有自动售货和洗衣退款(现金), 信用卡, and 鹰雄鹿) are processed directly through our partnering vendors.
If you would like to initiate a refund for a beverage vending transaction, please contact Coca-Cola Services directly by calling 1-844-944-0725. You will need to reference the outlet number on the front of the machine.
If you would like to initiate a refund for a snack vending transaction, please contact A&B Snack Services directly by emailing service@abvending.com. You will need to reference the outlet number on the front of the machine.
If you would like to initiate a refund for a laundry transaction (cash 或鹰雄鹿队), please contact MacGray Laundry Services directly using this form.
所有大学生, 教职员工通过里昂大厅的学生服务办公室获得Eagle One卡. New students have their 鹰一号卡 made during orientation. Once you are officially enrolled and financially cleared, your 鹰一号卡 is ready to use.
所有一年级学生和任何住在没有完整厨房的宿舍的人都将自动登记在强制性住宿膳食计划的基础级别. 学生 can opt up to the Premium Plan or opt down to the Light Plan starting in md-June. The meal plan selection deadline for the fall semester is August 31, 2024. Changes to the meal plan for the spring semester must be made by January 18, 2025. 当你到达校园时,从学生服务办公室获得你的鹰卡(BC ID). Your mandatory Residential Meal Plan will be valid upon University registration approval.
如果您没有住在需要参加住宿餐饮计划的宿舍,并且仍然希望购买它而不是一个可选帐户, 请访问学生服务办公室,他们将从您的学生账户中收取计划费用.
只有当你从学校退学或被重新分配到不需要计划的宿舍时. 有具体指导方针的退税时间表可以在 70no.syria-events.com/refund.
As a student, you can 网上存款 through your 集市门户 账户. 你的父母也可以 网上存款, but will need your Eagle ID number and month and day of birth before proceeding. The University accepts e-检查 (electronic withdrawal from your checking or savings 账户), 签证, 或万事达卡. 你也可以从你的学生账户中收取高达100美元的费用,假设你的账户已经全额支付. The University does not accept cash or 检查 for optional 账户 deposits. 所有的交易都必须在网上完成.
不,您的鹰一号卡不是ATM卡. 你没有能力从中提取现金. 查看学生账户退款信息.
在学年结束时,任何剩余的余额将转到下一学年. 毕业后,任何余额超过5美元(净Bonus Flex Bucks)的100%积分将应用于您的学生账户. You may request a refund of your Flex Dining Funds, net of Bonus Flex Bucks, at any time. Employees may request a refund at any time during the year.
You do not have the option to add additional funds to a Residential Dining Plan. You may deposit additional funds into one of our optional Eagle One 账户s. Deposits to your Flex Plan can be made at any time during the year through 门户网站.syria-events.com.
flexbucks在所有校园地点都可以使用, 包括特色餐饮地点, 让步, 自动售货机, 和GET移动订购. 开通鹰雄鹿账户可以增加你在BC书店购物的灵活性, 宿舍洗衣设施, and a variety of off-campus retail and service locations. 鹰雄鹿不提供任何折扣.
- If your card is lost or stolen, deactivate it immediately by visiting 70no.syria-events.com/myservices
- 点击“鹰卡停用(遗失/被盗)”
- This will generate a new 鹰一号卡 you can pick up in the 学生服务办公室位于里昂大厅.
- Please note that you remain responsible for card usage prior to deactivation.